August 13th – September 19th, 2019

I am very excited to announce my first children’s book.  Hopefully it will be the first of many.  I previously published a book for adults on the subject of creating,  building and maintaining interpersonal relationships in 2014.  My idea for using a basic hypnosis technique to create “Bed Time Bear Countdown to Sleep” derived from necessity and research.  I have never seen a children’s book like it. I hope you enjoy the experience and the results with your children, as much as I did.

After having the privilege of being the bedtime story teller nightly for little Noah, I started to run out of original ideas for short stories.  I also noticed that while I was telling stories to Noah he was very engaged and was staying awake to hear the endings.  He was not getting relaxed or sleepy by listening to them.  My goal was a five to seven minute story while he was tucked in that would help him to drift off to sleep effortlessly.  I knew there had to be a better method, I just had to find it.

Many children have anxiety about going to bed and most children have been exposed to extremely high amounts of mental stimulus throughout the day.  So getting them to lay in bed and shift to a calmer state for sleep can be dramatic (as many tired parents know).

I got the idea to start researching relaxation and sleep.  I came across a very basic hypnosis technique that I had known about previously. That’s when I came up with the idea to incorporate the hypnosis technique into a story.  I created a story that I could read at bedtime that would help him relax and naturally drift off into a deeper sleep, more quickly and more naturally.

The colorful pages include soothing characters (animals and objects) that are easily recognizable so a wide age range of children will be able to relate to the story.  Spend quality time and help your child fall asleep faster.  Hearing your soothing voice telling this story will engage your child’s imagination and calm them for a good night’s sleep. Ideally the the book is for the 3yr-9yr old age range.

Countdown to Kickstarter Launch

August 13th - September 19th, 2019